Love and forgiveness, peace and mercy, really is the only way to break out of the hopeless power struggle that this world is obsessed with.
people don’t just feel bad about the wrong things that they have done, but they actually believe that there is something fundamentally wrong with them. Where have people gotten this belief?
This is always the first step in discovering God. A desperate desire for an alternative to everything else that seems to be out there.
The calling and ministry of every believer is but one simple thing. We do not get to define it, and although it is deeply personal, it is not unique.
The good news about God is a fragile thing. People have tried to bring the light of their life and love, and we have forced them to trample the very thing that was meant to protect it.
The fact is that metaphors are the only way we have to describe God, and so we will simply have to try our best.